Post Date
Mar 14 2025

Design and Production of Scientific Equipment for Physics Teaching and Research

This project is a close synergy between an academic institution, LUMS, and one of Pakistan’s most active small to medium scale mechanical and electromechanical industry, Usman Industries which is a descendant of Sun Engineers. This project aimed to create an array of scientific equipment and associated literature to assist in the twofold areas of (a) physics instruction inside the laboratory and (b) experimental research. Commercial-quality, low-cost, modular, reconfigurable laboratory experiments in all branches of Physics were designed in this project. These experiments conform to the guidelines proposed by the HEC in the revised physics curriculum from 2013. These were innovative, insightful and fascinating experiments. The idea was to keep the designs in full compliance with the open-source hardware model and the open source movement so that we could, through this project trigger the development of a community that could create experiments for their students.