Post Date
Feb 28 2025

Pakistan Research on Current Economic Environment for SMEs

The project was focused on understanding the use of Facebook and online platforms by small and medium businesses in Pakistan. It also explored the barriers and challenges faced by businesses in using social media effectively for business marketing and growth. The study also helped in documenting and analysing the policy landscape affecting use of social media and online platforms by SMBs in Pakistan and understand provincial differences in policies and their implementation. 
The research was nationwide and covered all four provinces of Pakistan and the federally administered regions (Islamabad and Gilgit Baltistan). Focus groups were conducted in each province, 15-17 in total, and capture a diversity of types of businesses as well as small and medium business owners. A desktop analysis of existing policies was used to analyse existing legislation and in-depth interviews with select business leaders and policymakers will help ascertain the efficacy of these policies.