Post Date
Mar 14 2025

UKRI GCRF: Education, Justice and Memory Network (EdJAM)

The Education, Justice and Memory (EdJAM) network comes together in order to contribute towards Sustainable Development Goal 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and to promote lifelong learning. EdJAM will support researchers in Cambodia, Colombia, Pakistan, Uganda and elsewhere in the global south, and researchers in the UK who are early in their career to develop their research capacity, to share new knowledge, and to shape future research agendas. It will commission research to identify and learn from creative approaches to teaching about the violent past through a series of small grants that will produce both academic and creative outputs (e.g. curriculum resources, museum displays, photo exhibits, online materials). EdJAM will also commission large grants to explore outcomes of creative approaches to teaching about the past, developing new ways of measuring progress towards SDG target 4.7.